CRank: 5Score: 1070

This game ain't comming out for 360 period so stop talking sh*te. What you gonna say when PS3 is out taking names and kicking a*s; and also out selling 360 5 to 1, also no Assassins Creed on 360 lol!

6513d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nobody is interested in your jealous comments, it's obvious you are a hardcore elitsit Xbox Fanboy with no life. So you can call me sad for my name and posts but the Mart and the Land of Sands, plus yourself are no better everything you come out with is Fiction and pointless bashing of the Ps3 so your Damm right i'm gonna Bash back you wa*ker!

6513d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fact is this is true! About what i've wrote!

6514d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nuff said!

6514d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment
6514d ago
6514d ago

I suppose this is the game that's gonna try knock off Sony hhahaha, that's so weak!

6514d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man if you think this then seriously you are fu*ked up in the head, not once was this game ever announced for the 180. Alright i take it from your point of view 4 a sec but ask the question just what, just what if this game doesn't come out on the crap box 180 you's will all be crying!

6514d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well aren't you a smart one!

6514d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is bad news for Xbox 360 they have like 20 bad games and they only have like a near 40 games released, i mean where the 160 games by launch, Sony will overtake in no time and you will have to start kissing a*s like you are doing to Microsoft the now loosers!

6514d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Elder scrolls really does look like a good game but to be honest the rest of those games don't measure up to the Sony line up, so that says it all!

6514d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let me ask you what are you gonna say when PS3 is 100 million units up and the 180 is at like 15 million, i think you will be cowering in the corner where you belong XRAT! If this were true about the PS3 being trash then the whole next gen will be trash, because Sony is the next gen looser!

6514d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Look at how many posts this 360 looser writes, isin't it obvious this guy is a nerd, u know the Mart! He's on here like 24/7 which tells you he really is a looser who doesn't even own a console because he's on this forum all the time, u r really a PC thug aren't u lol! Ok here's some advice stop talking BS it's all you ever do, i mean everything u write is totall rubbish and fiction. Let me tell you what you gonna do when the PS3 comes crashing down on you punk!

6514d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your Spot on, the Mart is just a kid by the sounds of it, his Mom and Dad have told him he's not aloud a PS3 because it's too expensive, either that or he had a choice and he thought he'd try that card i'll get both consoles and got shock horror when he got that stupid Xbox 360 and was told right no PS3 for you! Lol hahahaahahhahahahahahahahhahah ahhhahhahaahhahhahhahahahahhhhh hhhhhhahhahahahahahlololol!

6515d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People are willing to rebuy there PS2 if it breaks! Not fight for an existing one stupid!

6515d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is it just me or does anyone find it stupid they had the nerve to ask the director of aliens to direct this movie when to be honest from what i saw when i played Halo 2 they ripped Aliens right of, i mean i seriously doubt he's gonna wan't to make a movie that will end his career, you're not gonna tell me this is gonna be any better than all the other catastrophic computer game films there have been, apart from Mortal Kombat because that was good!

6515d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If there's one thing i always new that was definate about the PS2 is that i knew GT4 was the best racing game out on any racing platform, don't give me that Fozra nonsense i have the game and i don't like it, not even a scratch on GT4 or 3 for that matter. So please tell me how Fozra 2 will be better than GT5 because i fail to see how, GT5 is improving in everyway there is so u know Fozra 2 ain't gonna be laughing come GT5 launch!

6515d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

fact is Sony has the best racing game comming out GT5, best beat em ups VF5 and Tekken 6, that's 2 catagories Lame Box 360 never seems to be able to win and Sony will have the best 1st Person shooter Killzone 2 hahaha, 360 loosers!

6515d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It just hit me the reason you love Xbox 360 so much is because you'r e compensating for what you don't have! A PS3 well mate don't worry come November 17th you can finally be part of the next generation of gamming rather than a broken down preview demo disk of the next generation! Haha!

6515d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You are laughable at your attemps to destroy PS3's momentum, the fact is you are so scared that the PS3 is gonna whhop Xbox 360 but, you feel you have to try and help, but let me ask, what is it good for, absolutely nothing!

6515d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment